Burges Salmon blog


Budget 2024

Now the dust is settling on the Budget and the frenzied pre-Budget deal making is behind us, some quick reactions, predictions and...

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Pensions Savings: Mind the Gap

Since the early 1900s, life expectancy has increased from an average of 46 years to around 80.6 years for people born between 2020 and...

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AI and data - a taxonomy

The Open Data Institute - a non-profit seeking to promote trust in data - has produced a taxonomy of the data involved in developing,...

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Payments firms take note!...

On 9 October, the FCA published the key findings from its review of implementation of the Consumer Duty by payments firms. 

Why now?

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When is a thing a thing?

On 11 September 2024, the Property (Digital Assets etc) Bill (the Bill), was introduced into Parliament.

The Bill is the first piece of...

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