Burges Salmon blog


A Cinderella Superpower

A Cinderella Superpower is a good way of describing soil.  But that should be changing, as it comes into focus as a key...

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DC charge caps and small pots

The main headlines from the DWP's recently published response to its Review of the Default Fund Charge Cap and Standardised Cost...

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FCA Market Watch issue 66

Written by Ciara Davies

On 11 January 2021, the FCA published issue 66 of Market Watch, its newsletter on market conduct and transaction...

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GMOs: Redefining and repurposing

The Oxford Farming Conference 2021 last week featured all of the ministers responsible for agriculture policy in the four UK nations.


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New ways of farming?

The Food, Farming and Countryside Commission (an independent charity involving many well known figures in food, farming and other areas)...

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What the expert says goes

The Court of Appeal in Morris Homes Ltd v Cheshire West and Chester Council has recently had to grapple with whether an...

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What does the Brexit deal mean for your data?

The trade deal agreed between the UK and the EU contains interim provisions in relation to data transfers between the UK and EEA member...

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