As set out it in its “Greening Finance: A Roadmap to Sustainable Investing” policy paper last year, the Government appears to now be turning its efforts to updating the Green Finance Strategy published in 2019.

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and HM Treasury have jointly launched a call for evidence seeking views and evidence from stakeholders to support the Government in developing an updated Green Finance Strategy, which is set to be published later this year. The questions cover four key objectives of:

  • Capturing the opportunity of green finance;
  • Mobilising finance for the UK’s energy security, climate and environmental objectives;
  • Greening the financial system; and
  • Leading internationally.

For further information and to provide evidence, see here. The call for evidence closes on Wednesday 22 June 2022.

For details of how Burges Salmon can assist with sustainable finance matters, please click here.