Our Pension Schemes ESG tool for trustees and employers is designed to make ESG simpler for you.
We know that pension scheme trustees and employers are increasingly required to consider ESG factors, whether that be in relation to investments or the employer covenant. We also understand that it can be a real challenge for trustees to know whether they are meeting ESG expectations and requirements.
We have developed this interactive guide to help you navigate the law and guidance surrounding ESG and identify which issues you may want to consider further.
It aims to help you reflect on your own knowledge so that you can take steps to plug any gaps with training and advice and it also provides a general overview of some of the most important ESG requirements.
ESG not only presents risks but also offers valuable opportunities for all of our clients and we want to work with you to help you turn it to your advantage.
Request a copy of the Burges Salmon Pension Schemes ESG Tool for free.
Pension Schemes ESG Tool (burges-salmon.com)