This BBC article is no real surprise for those in the electricity sector who have been wrestling with grid constraints for over a decade. The position is becoming ever more acute. A lot of our legal work on Net Zero now revolves around overcoming grid capacity issues and providing resilience for businesses and projects. It has been interesting to watch non electricity businesses come to recognise that in many cases, the first thing on the agenda for development (whether it is new HQs or industrial buildings etc.) is "can we get the power we need?".
The article focusses on delays to renewable deployment and hitting our Net Zero targets but what we all need to consider is what this means for our economy and jobs as well as the potential to miss out on developing the supply chain in the UK that we desire. We are going to need lots more renewables especially if we looking to electrify transport and heat.
Supply chain investment to a certain extent, follows levels of deployment particularly in new technologies and if our grid infrastructure delays this, it won't go well for us.
We can take some comfort ( that is surely the wrong expression!) from the fact that grid constraints are not just a UK issue. Many countries are facing this. But we need to solve it.
Renewable energy projects worth billions stuck on hold