Looking for a reading list for to better understand AI? The UK House of Commons Library has published a reading list covering topics such as: what is AI?; UK government policy and regulation; use of AI in different sectors; and safety and ethics.

The purpose of the reading list is to support the work of MPs. It's timely in light of the EU AI Act coming into force and UK AI regulations on the horizon.

The reading list does not state it is trying to be comprehensive. There are other sources available depending on technology, use case, risk, and sector - many of which we cover on our AI law and regulation blog. 

However, it provides a useful starting point for anyone looking to better understand some of the key issues concerning AI.

If you would like to discuss how current or future regulations impact what you do with AI, please contact Tom Whittaker, Brian WongDavid VarneyLucy PeglerMartin Cook or any other member in our Technology team.

For the latest on AI law and regulation, see our blog and sign-up to our AI newsletter.