At Burges Salmon we decided to take an individualised approach to our people’s wellbeing - encouraging everyone to look out for one another and empowering people to seek support both internally and externally, when they need it. We looked to create a number of different avenues of support, providing support at the various stages of people’s lives and in varying formats.

Internal support avenues
Supporting life events

We have a varied and diverse workforce. We seek to provide support at varying life stages, for example; whether it is related to saving for a house deposit, starting a family, menopause or caring for an elderly relative.

The importance of varied formats

We appreciate that our peoples' preferences on how they seek support will vary. We therefore established means of support in a range of formats, with a view to empowering our people to seek support however they feel most comfortable.

This variety of support methods and channels allows us to engage with people around wellbeing in a manner that works for them - providing an individualised and high impact overall service. The final piece of the puzzle is using KPIs and measures to monitor how the service works for our people, using this information to improve it in iterations.

Written by Jessica Bartlett, Senior Business Partner at Burges Salmon