After the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives published their manifestos earlier in the week, the Labour Party have launched their manifesto on 13 June 2024.   

Here are the key points taken directly from the Labour Party's manifesto that are most relevant to private wealth immigration:

Key points

  • We will reform the points-based immigration system so that it is fair and properly managed, with appropriate restrictions on visas, and by linking immigration and skills policy.
  • Labour will bring joined-up thinking, ensuring that migration to address skills shortages triggers a plan to upskill workers and improve working conditions in the UK. We will strengthen the Migration Advisory Committee, and establish a framework for joint working with skills bodies across the UK, the Industrial Strategy Council and the Department for Work and Pensions.


The Labour Party, along with the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives, have not mentioned an investment-based visa route in their manifesto. 

Apart from the emphasis on skills (in immigration policies and policies in other areas),  the Labour manifesto has not set out how they will reform the UK immigration system and what visa restrictions they have in mind.  Maybe there is more to be announced before the General Election on 4 July 2024.

How can we help?

Burges Salmon's specialists have substantial experience in immigration, tax, trusts, and estate planning for international clients.  If you wish to discuss any of the matters raised in this article, please do get in touch with Suzanna Harvey, Myra Leung or your usual contact within the team.